Spring Is Springing!


iPhone image of Forsythia manipulated in Photoshop Elements

Spring is coming! 
Only a few buds have begun to appear. Yet they have begun. The Forsythia — I love their intense yellow buds. Especially the ones that are up against the tree line — with more shade than sun they are not as dense and dapple the tree line with yellow. There are also a variety of magnolias that have beautiful pinkish buds and a tree, planted by birds decades ago that have beautiful red buds. From a distance these buds give a red cast to the tree, up close they seem too small for much impact.
See you never know what impact will be!


An iPhone image of budding tulip magnolia manipulated in Photoshop Elements


Manipulation of an iPhone image of budding trees in Photoshop Elements

Once I had manipulated these images in Photoshop Elements it occurred to me that I have an app on my phone, Sparmode that easily makes kaleidoscopic images of regular images, right on the phone! In just a few minutes I had done these…

Spring 16Forsythia

Forsythia buds

Sprint 16Tulip1

Tulip Magnolia buds

Spring 16 Tulip2

Another rendition of Tulip Magnolia buds

Spring 16Tree2

Old trees with new buds

Spring 16Tree1

Another rendition of old trees with new buds

Interesting what another stab at something will yield! When have you done things again or over and been surprised at the results?



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