So after the foundation comes framing…
The framing crew has a love of heights that was shocking to me. First off, they climbed and scurried almost thirty feet in the air with more grace than I exhibit on the ground. And they were walking on a tiny 2 x 4 (Which you probably know is neither 2 inches nor 4 inches. It is smaller!) Also amazing is that they didn’t bring ladders and saw horses but built them on site. I know what you are thinking and no! I have no idea why.
Within a few days the frame was erected and the volume of the space was evident, not in the Crow Barn, but my studio. Exciting!

Thomas on the new slab with mom, grandpa and cousin in silhouette.

One of the framing crew on the ‘top plate’ of the wall, approximately 11 off the ground.

After framing came the decking for the roof and the siding. This is the door across the back yard from the house. See the ladder they made!
Once the framing was finished and the decking and siding were on, the roof was put in place. All the progress till now had been dramatic and quick. The end of each day brought something to see.
Next came the plumbers to put things in place: gas line for the HVAC, a bathroom and a laundry area. The heat and air guys were next putting the furnace in place and running ducts everywhere. After they were finished the framer returned to frame in the around the duct work.