Quilting Arts TV

If you have seen the recent issue of Quilting Arts Magazine you will have seen the article on my Zentangle Book in a Box. (April/May 2015) It was quite an experience to submit, write, ship, wait and wait for the whole process.

The whole thing came about because of Margarita Korioth. She moved to the Memphis area almost two years ago and we became friends. She has written many articles for Quilting Arts Magazine (including an article in the same issue!) and other publications and encouraged me to submit.

Last May I finally got it all together and submitted proposals for articles. In September they asked me to do the Artist Spotlight featuring my Zentangle Book in a Box. I wrote the article. In November I shipped my book and waited. Finally a few weeks ago the issue was released and almost a year of waiting was over.

Meanwhile — in November Susan Brubaker Knapp was the national teacher for Uncommon Threads Quilt Guild. I took some classes from her and got a chance to chat with her. We talked about her job hosting Quilting Arts TV and what it was like to be on the show.

Bolstered by my article success I submitted a proposal and was asked to join the team in Solon, Ohio to tape three segments for Quilting Arts TV.

The first segment was about applying colour after quilting. I love this topic! I started first with paint atop quilting when I first started quilting in 2006. A class with Lura Schwarz Smith opened the world of ink. Then I discovered using coloured pencil set with medium, and finally the magic of Inktense Pencils by Derwent. NOW — you’ve got nine minutes. GO!

The second segment was a little longer at 13 minutes and was all about my two sided quilts and how I frame them. The hours of preparing the project sample was well worth the work as things went smoothly (or so they seemed on my side of the camera) and we seemed to cover a lot of ground.

Finally there was a segment about the Zentangle Book in a Box and showing how I made the paged of the book and how I quilt. Only a few minutes, but it was exhilarating! Possibly best of all was meeting so many great people; the production staff, the Quilting Arts people, the lady from Bernina, and many other artist there to tape as well. You will have to watch season 1600 to see us all!

*Note – Quilting Arts TV is aired on many PBS stations. If you are not in one of the viewing areas you can purchase the series on DVD or view an episode or series on line.

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