0106 x 6Mixed media on paper Things are starting to bloom at the studio. I started hanging some of the art I have either collected or created. Most of the contractors work is finished; hanging the track lights, electrical and plumbing for the washer and dryer (dying fabric here I come!), installing a hanging rail around the space… even the addition of a refrigerator for my lunch, keeping dye concentrates fresh and chilling the wine for the opening…I hope your summer is off to a great beginning as...
Too Much!

Too Much!

0106 x 6Mixed media on paper Sometime you get overwhelmed, behind, exhausted. The past week was one of those times. Moving the studio from the house to the new space, preparing for renovation crews at the house. Workmen, deliveries, decisions, inspections, permits — just all too much! And then today, spent waiting all day long with anticipation of one more thing to get put in place so everyone else can continue…I will be glad when all the dust settles and we settle into the new normal.Whatever that might...

0096 x 6Mixed media on paper Sometimes the dark creeps in around the edges and all we have is holding onto what we know is the light at the end of the tunnel. This week has been full of deadlines, start dates as well as festivities. Everything has gotten accomplished properly and effort was absolutely applied. So here is to another...
Mandala Monday Moving along…

Mandala Monday Moving along…

0086 x 6Mixed media on paper Some weeks are super productive.Some weeks less so.Some weeks are lessons in patience. This is where I have been stuck. Waiting for this. Stalled without that… and yet things seem to move forward.The wall was erected at the studio. Picture rail was installed.Next up the painter does his thing and I can finally unpack and get to...

Dear Tony

Dear Tony Perkins,          Now that DOMA has been struck down we need to get a few things corrected, or straight if you will. No one is of the mind that a child having a Mom and Dad is a bad thing, thought this seems to be your focus. Too bad for you and your cause that you are not focusing on fostering a culture where divorce is less frequent (and rates being down because of the economy is not progress.) and people really do care for their children (with, oh little things like Health Care – are we up to 36 attempts to repeal AHCA?). The truth is that A caring and involved parent (one) is necessary to the well being of a child. Two is a blessing. Who those two people are seems to be of little consequence if they are loving and supportive.         Not to mention that DOMA in not about children. It is about the civil rights of adults. The rights of everyone to have the same protections under the law. (In case you have missed it – fairness IS an American Value! Equal protection under the law…)         So I say that if you are going to muddy the waters of Same Sex Marriage with child rearing you should put your money where your mouth is. Encourage couples to be “really prepared” before getting married so they can stay together (how about a little responsibility before having sex so we are not getting married out of obligation!) Taking care of children once they are born would also...
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